3X(6 Pack Square Shape Soundproof Foam Sound Proof Padding Treatment Panel S3G3

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3X(6 Pack Square Shape Soundproof Foam Sound Proof Padding Treatment Panel S3G3

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3X(6 Pack Square Shape Soundproof Foam Sound Proof Padding Treatment Panel S3G3 3X(Acoustic Panels: The low-frequency cotton in the corner enhances the sound clarity and absorbs the sound field by absorbing the first reflected sound;
Acoustic Panels: It is processed by environmentally friendly materials and is suitable for installation in various environments. It is non-toxic and harmless and can be used directly;
Acoustic Panels: Corner low-frequency sound-absorbing cotton, which improves sound clarity and is suitable for various environments;
Acoustic Panels: for on-site processing in studios or offices – for studios, control rooms, office studios, home entertainment theatres, home offices;
Package Contents:
6x soundproofing foam)


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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Acoustic Treatments
Location: Shenzhen