Chamsys QuickQ 20 Lighting Console Desk Swan Flight Case (Hex)

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Chamsys QuickQ 20 Lighting Console Desk Swan Flight Case (Hex)

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Chamsys QuickQ 20 Lighting Console Desk Swan Flight Case (Hex)Black Hex/Aluminium flight case designed specifically to transport 1 x Chamsys QuickQ 20 lighting desk and can still be operated whilst in the case.Made in the UK by swanflight


Lid fully removes via lift off hinges on rear


2 x Butterfly catches with loops to fit padlock (padlock not supplied)


1x Techno Handle


Fully foam lined, protecting your equipment during transport


Ball Corners


4x Large rubber feet fitted


Approx external size 641mm(L) x 511mm(W) x 202mm(H)


Internal dimensions 561mm(L) x 430mm (W) inc 80mm space at rear x 106mm(H)


Approx Weight 8kg

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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Cases, Racks and Bags
Location: Sedgefield, Cleveland