Klark Teknik Black Leather Flight Jacket, Limited Edition DN3600 #27

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Klark Teknik Black Leather Flight Jacket, Limited Edition DN3600 #27

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This black leather flight jacket is a rare beast. There were a limited number of them made – this is #27 – you can see it stitched in to the badge on the arm.


If you are in Pro-Audio you probably know who Klark Teknik are and you may well have seen engineers at gigs hanging about the mixing console wearing one of these!



The jacket is size MEDIUM, leather, it has a detachable fluffy lining and it zips up. The jacket was made to commemorate the DN3600 (the master of all Graphic EQs) – a small number were made. Jacket 36 is the highest number that I am aware of. You may have seen similar Jackets with the MIDAS logo – they are from the same era as this one.



Be awesome with this rare jacket!



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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Other Pro Audio Equipment
Location: Manchester