At InfoComm: Inside the Audio Demo Rooms, Part 1

Orlando, FL (June 13, 2019)—The exhibit floor at InfoComm is packed with new products to check out, but there’s some audio gear one just can’t dig into properly without either getting loud, such as with PAs, or needing quiet, like when you’re learning about intricate new technologies. Luckily, that’s what the nearly two-dozen audio demo rooms just off the exhibit floor are for. “Unlike most trade show booths that have static displays of a company’s products or technologies, demo rooms provide exhibitors an opportunity to have attendees not only see new products, but also get a practical demonstration and learn how they work,” stated Kyle Sullivan, manager, Global Marketing Communications for Bose Professional. “The demo could also show an application of a new product that is the perfect solution for the attendee or their client. Additionally, a demo room provides the opportunity to create a memorable experience that can separate a company from others at the trade show, giving visitors a demo experience they will remember long after the trade show is over.”

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