Arturia Microbrute (Limited Edition Red)

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Arturia Microbrute (Limited Edition Red)

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Arturia Microbrute Semi Modular MIDI Analog Monophonic Synthesiser (Limited Edition Red)
MicroBrute is pure analog sonic powerhouse of a synth. Small in size but loaded with features, it follows in the footsteps laid by its big brother the MiniBrute.Packed with mixable waveforms, a new sub oscillator design, the famous Steiner-Parker multimode filter, super fast envelope, syncable LFO and the new step sequencer, not to mention the patchable mod matrix the MicroBrute is a landmark new synth at an incredible price.The Voice path on the MicroBrute is 100% Analog, not digitally controlled analog, not digital oscillators with a wave shaper, but true honest analog.The MicroBrute oscillator generates multiple wave shapes at one time. The wave mixer allows you to blend these different waveforms in varying levels to create and unending variety of sounds.Some synths that cost 2, 3 and 4 times as much only allow you to enable or disable the waveforms. This leaves you with 2 or 3 options for the raw sound. The MicroBrute oscillator does not hold back on sonic capabilities and allows you the freedom to create your own sound.The oscillator waves and wave mixer are nice but they don’t stop there. We have added special wave shapers on every waveform that boldly expands the sonic range. Most synths have pulse width mod… yeah, we do too.No other synths have our Triangle wave Metalizer or our analog Ultrasaw modifiers. The Metalizer adds upper end harmonics to the normally dark triangle wave and can produce some sharp cutting bass sounds. The Ultrasaw makes the single saw sound like 2 or 3 saw waves that are slightly detuned making it the biggest single analog wave you have ever heard.The newly designed Sub oscillator, named Overtone, is much more than the typical sub.This will of course create a standard square wave 1 octave down from the oscillators root pitch, giving you deep octave spread goodness but it goes further by having a harmonic control that increases the upper overtones until the pitch finally reaches a full 5th above the root oscillator.Features100% Analog Audio Signal PathSteiner-Parker Multimode Filter (LP, BP, HP)Voltage Controlled Oscillator with new Overtone Sub-OscOscillator Mixer (Sub, Sawtooth, Square, Triangle)LFO with 3 waveforms and destination attenuatorBrute Factor delivering saturation and rich harmonicsUltrasaw generating shimmering sawtooth waveformsMetalizer bringing extreme triangle harmonicsFast Envelope Generator25 note mini KeyboardExternal Analog Audio Input (level pot on rear)CV Inputs: Pitch, Filter, Sub-mod, Pulse, Saw animator, metalizer, gate in.CV outputs: Pitch, Gate, Env, LFOMIDI Inwith 5-Pin DIN connectorUSB MIDI In/Out1/4 Audio Output and 1/8 Headphone OutputFree Editor SoftwareStep Sequencer8 sequences stored on power downRate controlSync to MIDI clockMultiple modes (via software editor)tempo/rest insert

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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Synthesisers and Sound Modules
Location: st helens