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Descrizione prodotto:
Se si desidera che la manipolazione analogica classica, ma non si pu lesinare su effetti digitali e preamplificatori microfonici studio-grade, il mixer SX2442FX la tua soluzione ideale. Gli ingressi del mixer sono 16 microfonici e 4 stereo, 4 bus, 4 aux send che offrono un margine di manovra sufficiente per gestire qualsiasi evento o gruppo musicale.

Processore effetti ( doppio FX ) :
Su questo mixer possiamo sfruttare due processori indipendenti a 24 bit stereo FX con 99 fantastici preset cadauno per poter gestire addirittura due effetti su ogni canale.

Preamplificatori microfonici superiori:
I preamplificatori Xenyx offrono uno sbalorditivo controllo di 130 dB di gamma dinamica, con una larghezza di banda che va da meno 10 Hz fino a ben al di sopra di 200 kHz. Come risultato, i mixer XENYX offrono una prestazione trasparente e cristallina.

Equalizzatore con medi semiparametrici ( 4 bande stereo ):
Questo mixer offre ben 4 potenziometri che rappresentano una banda di frequenza specifica ( nel caso a sinistra si tratta dell’equalizzatore dei canali microfonici che prevende un controllo semiparamentrico dove poter scegliere prima quale frequenza variare sulle medie oltre ad incrementare e diminuire il livello ). In generale :
Le High ( alti ) hanno tutti i suoni ad alta frequenza, come rullanti, piatti, strumenti a percussione, tutti i suoni pi acuti fino a quelli pi corti, striduli o assordanti percepibili dall’orecchio umano
Le Mid ( medi ) costituiscono la zona fondamentale quasi o interamente coperta della maggior parte degli strumenti musicali, fisarmoniche, voci maschili e femminili, e la stragrande maggioranza di suoni corposi ascoltati dall’orecchio umano, per questo importante in questo mixer poter interagire pi a fondo su queste frequenze.
Le Low ( basse ) contengono i suoni a bassa frequenza, soprattutto basso, la grancassa, tamburi, tom, tutti i suoni pi gravi percepibili dal nostro orecchio a salire da 20 Hz che spingono molta aria dai diffusori e quelli che ci colpiscono al petto.
Equalizzatori British:
Il canale EQ dei mixer XENYX si basa su quello stesso circuito delle console britanniche degli anni 1960 e ’70 che ha cambiato il suono del rock and roll e che consente di infondere segnali con incredibile calore e carattere musicale.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

Mixer analogico 24 ingressi ad ultra-basso rumore e alto headroom Premium
16 preamplificatori microfonici state-of-the-art XENYX paragonabili a preamplificatori stand-alone
Equalizzatore Neo-classico “British” a 3 bande con banda media con controllo semi-parametrico per un suono caldo e musicale
2 processori FX stereo studio-grade indipendenti a 24 bit con 99 fantastici preset cadauno tra cui riverbero, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter e vari multi-effetti
Equalizzatore grafico a 9 bande stereo di alta precisione che consente una correzione precisa della frequenza del monitor o delle uscite principali
Rivoluzionario sistema di rilevamento feedback FBQ che rivela istantaneamente le frequenze critiche
Peak LED, Mute, mix principale e switch di routing sottogruppo, Solo e funzioni PFL su tutti i canali
2 canali d’ingresso stereo con EQ a 4 bande pi 2 ulteriori canali di ingresso stereo con Aux pre-fader e controlli di livello
Insert su ogni canale mono per il collegamento flessibile di altre apparecchiature outboard
4 uscite per sottogruppi e output mono supplementari con filtro passa-basso per l’applicazione di subwoofer
4 mandate Aux per canale: 2 pre / post fader commutabili per il monitoraggio / applicazioni FX, 2 post fader (per FX interno o esterno )
Uscite Main Mix bilanciate con uscite Tape stereo ” a jack e connettori XLR placcati in oro, control room separata e cuffie
Funzioni Solo-In-Place e Pre-Fader-Listen pi una sezione Talkback completa
Interruttore Stand-by disattiva tutti i canali durante le pause, mentre la musica di sottofondo fornita tramite ingressi CD / Tape
Fader a lunga tenuta da 60 millimetri logaritmico-conico e comandi rotativi ben sigillati
Alimentatore switching “Planet Earth” per la massima flessibilit (100 – 240 V ~), senza rumore audio, superiore risposta ai transienti pi basso consumo per il risparmio energetico
Componenti di alta qualit e costruzione eccezionalmente robusta per garantire una lunga durata
Ideato e progettato da BEHRINGER Germania
Dimensioni H 100 x 682 x 410 mm
Peso 8,6 kg

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We will only ship to the addressprovided w/ your paypal payment .Yourshipping address does not have to beconfirmed anymore however you mustinclude a valid phone number . If yourphone number is not valid this may delayshipping. Winning bidder must make payment within5 days after auctions end. Otherwiseseller will report to eBay as a NonPaying Bidder. After 3 reports your ebayaccount will be banned. We accept:Paypal, Bank transfer, E-checkInternational shipping: We arehappy to get your item to the postoffice usually within 4/5 days afteryour payment has cleared. We shipproducts using DHL or FedEx, thereforeInternational shipping can take 5/6 daysfor your item to be delivered. Insurance is required on internationalpurchases to ensure your item gets toyou safely. We would prefer to ship byDHL or Fedex which is much faster andmore reliable for internationalshipments.You can also inquire aboutduties and taxes that will be charged toyou by your customs office .We will notbe responsible for duties and or taxesthat your country requires you to pay .Pleasedo not ask us to falsify documents bydeclaring an item a gift . Taxes andduties are charged based on the value ofthe item. We can not lower the value ofany item payed for thru paypal .INTERNATIONAL SHIPPINGFOR INTERNATIONALS CUSTOMERS: normally,we ship worldwide our products, but weinform our internationals customers thatALL our articles on ebay are specificsonly for Europe market; if you want tobuy and import our products in yourcountry, please make sure that thearticles that you want to buy iscomplies for the use in  your country(security standard, voltage, certificates of conformity).We suggest to verify FIRST your order ifthe products in our insertions can beused in your country!

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We will only ship to the addressprovided w/ your paypal payment .Yourshipping address does not have to beconfirmed anymore however you mustinclude a valid phone number . If yourphone number is not valid this may delayshipping. Winning bidder must make payment within5 days after auctions end. Otherwiseseller will report to eBay as a NonPaying Bidder. After 3 reports your ebayaccount will be banned. We accept:Paypal, Bank transfer, E-checkInternational shipping: We arehappy to get your item to the postoffice usually within 4/5 days afteryour payment has cleared. We shipproducts using DHL or FedEx, thereforeInternational shipping can take 5/6 daysfor your item to be delivered. Insurance is required on internationalpurchases to ensure your item gets toyou safely. We would prefer to ship byDHL or Fedex which is much faster andmore reliable for internationalshipments.You can also inquire aboutduties and taxes that will be charged toyou by your customs office .We will notbe responsible for duties and or taxesthat your country requires you to pay .Pleasedo not ask us to falsify documents bydeclaring an item a gift . Taxes andduties are charged based on the value ofthe item. We can not lower the value ofany item payed for thru paypal .INTERNATIONAL SHIPPINGFOR INTERNATIONALS CUSTOMERS: normally,we ship worldwide our products, but weinform our internationals customers thatALL our articles on ebay are specificsonly for Europe market; if you want tobuy and import our products in yourcountry, please make sure that thearticles that you want to buy iscomplies for the use in  your country(security standard, voltage, certificates of conformity).We suggest to verify FIRST your order ifthe products in our insertions can beused in your country! Pagamenti
Spedizione Terms and conditionsPayment:
We will only ship to the addressprovided w/ your paypal payment .Yourshipping address does not have to beconfirmed anymore however you mustinclude a valid phone number . If yourphone number is not valid this may delayshipping. Winning bidder must make payment within5 days after auctions end. Otherwiseseller will report to eBay as a NonPaying Bidder. After 3 reports your ebayaccount will be banned. We accept:Paypal, Bank transfer, E-checkInternational shipping: We arehappy to get your item to the postoffice usually within 4/5 days afteryour payment has cleared. We shipproducts using DHL or FedEx, thereforeInternational shipping can take 5/6 daysfor your item to be delivered. Insurance is required on internationalpurchases to ensure your item gets toyou safely. We would prefer to ship byDHL or Fedex which is much faster andmore reliable for internationalshipments.You can also inquire aboutduties and taxes that will be charged toyou by your customs office .We will notbe responsible for duties and or taxesthat your country requires you to pay .Pleasedo not ask us to falsify documents bydeclaring an item a gift . Taxes andduties are charged based on the value ofthe item. We can not lower the value ofany item payed for thru paypal .INTERNATIONAL SHIPPINGFOR INTERNATIONALS CUSTOMERS: normally,we ship worldwide our products, but weinform our internationals customers thatALL our articles on ebay are specificsonly for Europe market; if you want tobuy and import our products in yourcountry, please make sure that thearticles that you want to buy iscomplies for the use in  your country(security standard, voltage, certificates of conformity).We suggest to verify FIRST your order ifthe products in our insertions can beused in your country! 



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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Mixers
Location: Perugia (PG)