Celestion Bows Suhr Cabinet Impulse Responses

Ipswich, UK (May 8, 2019)—Teaming with Suhr, Celestion has released its new Celestion Suhr Cabinet Impulse Responses, which replicate various Suhr cabinets’ tones in the Two Notes Wall of Sound software environment. In total, a half-dozen Suhr speaker cabinets are represented in the IR group: Suhr Bella 1×12 with a Celestion V-Type speaker; Suhr Badger 1×12 with a Celestion Vintage 30; Suhr Hedgehog 2×12 with Celestion G12-65 speakers; Suhr PT 2×12 with Celestion G12H-75 Creamback speakers; Suhr 4×12 with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers; and Suhr 4×12 with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers.

Click here for the full article: https://www.prosoundnetwork.com/gear-and-technology/celestion-bows-suhr-cabinet-impulse-responses