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When ordering from the US, parcels may be subject to import tax and duty charges, which the buyer is responsible to pay. MIDI interface converts standard 5-pin MIDI to 1/4″ configuration for up to four Chase Bliss, Empress, or Meris devices.Four Control Ports connect to Chase Bliss Audio products using a TRS cable or to Empress / Meris products using a TS cable.Internal jumpers allow the user to assign each Control Port to output either on the tip (Empress / Meris) or ring (Chase Bliss) and to reconfigure at any time.Equipped with a dedicated hardware MIDI thru connection to allow interfacing with a variety of other MIDI gear. Supported Devices:Chase Bliss Audio: Brothers, Warped Vinyl MkI & MkII, Wombtone MkI & MkII, Gravitas, Spectre, Tonal Recall (use CBA settings)Empress Effects: Tremolo 2, Phaser, Reverb (use EMP settings)Meris: Mercury 7 pedal, OttoBit Jr. pedal (use EMP settings)Please note that device support also requires a compatible MIDI controller. The MIDIBox is a data converter only, and won’t magically make your controller work with these devices. If you’re not sure about controller support, contact your controller manufacturer! MPN MIDIBox Brand Disaster Area Designs UPC Does not apply
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Other Pro Audio Equipment
Location: San Jose, California