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ITEM FOR SALE: ELBY DESIGNS CGS749 CMOS FILTER WASP VCF EURORACK SYNTHESIZER DIY KITPLATFORM: EURORACK DIY KIT (YES THAT MEANS EVERYTHING YOUNEED TO BUILD YOUR OWN MODULE)CONDITION: BRAND NEW.PAYMENT OPTIONS (AUSTRALIA): BANK DEPOSIT, CREDIT CARD (VISA/MASTERCARD/ AMEX), PAYPAL, MONEY ORDER, CHEQUE, CASH ON PICK UP.PAYMENT OPTIONS (INTERNATIONAL): PAYPAL, CREDIT CARD (VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX), BANK DEPOSITPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The CGS749 offers a voltage-controlled filter based on the popular CMOS-based Wasp VCF and, in addition, features an adjustable post-filter distortion. A little on how it works:Of note is that the filter core is running between 0V and -5V, allowing a simple exponential converter to be used to give an appropriate response to the control voltage. The distortion channel and straight signal are mixed via a Segue circuit (reverse panner). The final stage is just a regular, inverting amplifier, but with a voltage divider in the feedback loop to avoid the need for an excessively high value resistor to achieve the required gain.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio:Synthesisers
Location: Gosford, NSW