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ITEM FOR SALE: ELBY DESIGNS SERGE ES12 TRIPLE BIDIRECTIONAL ROUTER PLATFORM: EURORACK DIY KIT (YES, THAT MEANS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BUILD YOUR OWN KIT)CONDITION: BRAND NEW.PAYMENT OPTIONS (AUSTRALIA): BANK DEPOSIT, CREDIT CARD (VISA/MASTERCARD/ AMEX), PAYPAL, MONEY ORDER, CHEQUE, CASH ON PICK UP.PAYMENT OPTIONS (INTERNATIONAL): PAYPAL, CREDIT CARD (VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX), BANK DEPOSITPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The ES12 contains 3x voltage controlled routers that can route one input to either of two outputs, or either of two inputs to one output according to the voltage level at the ‘control’ input.The CONTROL switch point is, nominally, around 2.5V. When the CONTROL is low the signal path is A1 <--> B and when CONTROL is high the signal path is A2 <--> BThe switches are true bidirectional switches. You can feed signals through them in either direction. Note that due to the limits of CMOS, it can switch signals that are up to about +/-9 volts.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio:Synthesisers
Location: Gosford, NSW