Galactic RGB600 Laser

Galactic RGB600 Laser

Red- Green- Blue- Yellow- Purple- Cyan and White Colours. 80 Patterns. Auto & Sound to Light Function. Master/Slave Option. DMX Controllable 17 ChannelsThe RGB600 has a full color output of 600mW created by 3 separate laser-diodes- Red- Green and Blue. With these three laser-diodes you can create Red- Green- Yellow- Blue- Purple- Cyan and White colors by TTL modulation. The RGB600 has 80 patterns and different auto or sound to light programs which are selectable by DMX. Besides the higher power and more possibilities than the other models of the Galactic Value Line- the RGB600 is also equipped with a 15K Scanner pair. This makes it possible to have faster and bigger projections with less flickering. If you want to have total control of all 80 patterns- X-Y movements- scrolling- zooming- speed and rotation you can use the 17 Channel DMX mode.. Power Supply: 100-240Vac- 50/60Hz Power Consumption: 20w Laser Power: 600mW (120mW Red- 180mW Green & 300mW Blue) DMX Channels: 17 Dimensions: 250 x 204 x 99mm Weight: 2.8Kg

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