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This sale is for a single Square One Dynamic.
The Square ONE Dynamics from Klark Teknik provides eight complete channels of either compression or gating, with push button selection and LED status indication of operational mode on an individual channel basis. The unit is constructed to the same standards as the rest of the Klark Teknik range, while answering to more budget-sensitive applications. The compressor section on each channel includes controls for adjusting the threshold, make-up gain, attack, and release and ratio. The compressor can also be tailored to respond in a variety of modes, with push button selection of RMS or Vintage Emulation (Peak) response and selection of soft or hard knee mode on each channel. The gate section also provides for adjustment of threshold, attack, hold and release times and range utilizing the same rotary control knobs. Additionally, there are individual rotary control knobs for make-up gain and hold.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Signal Processors and Effects
Location: Belfast