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KORG POLY-800 Vintage Programmable Polyphonic Synthesiser, Boxed
I have had this Poly-800 since the mid-nineties and there hasn’t been any mods in that time, nor has there been any circuit board battery replacements. All the settings are remembered whilst powered down, so the circuit board battery is working.
Polyphony – 8 voices (4 when doubled)
Oscillators – 1 DCO per voice (2 when doubled). 1 Noise generator.
LFO – Sine wave only w/ speed & delay and route to osc. or filter
Filter – One 24 dB/oct low-pass resonant filter
VCA – 3 ADBSSR Digital Envelope Generators: DCO, Noise, VCF
Effects – Stereo Chorus, Chord Memory
Sequencer – 256-step polyphonic sequencer with MIDI Start, Stop and Clock.
Keyboard – 49 keys
Memory – 64 patches
Control – MIDI IN/OUT/THRU, Cassette tape interface
Date Produced – 1983/84
This Poly-800 is fully functioning and in pretty good condition (see pictures). It has been returned to it’s ‘factory setting’ and so has the original sounds loaded onto it.
The original AC Adaptor is not the original, but included is a replacement with the polarity switched to match the original KORG adaptor. If I find the original AC adaptor before sale I will include this.
All the keys work exactly as they should do.
The Keyboard has it’s original box with moulded polystyrene packing pieces.
I digital version of the owner’s manual which has been printed to hard copy. If I find the original owner’s manual, I’ll include it.
Spec (taken from owner’s manual):
* 8 x SEPERATELY ARTICULATED ‘VOICES’ offer full polyphony capabilities.
* 8 x DIGITAL CONTROLLED OSCILLATORS (DCOS) ensure outstanding pitch stability.
* 9 ADVANCED 6-STAGE DIGITAL ENVELOPE GENERATORS (DEGS) 1 per DCO and 1 for Noise and VCF provide a significant improvement over conventional EGs. They help create highly realistic piano/percussive sounds and many new effects.
* ‘DOUBLE’ playing mode provides rich, complex layered sounds by pairing two different DCOs and DEGs per voice. ‘WHOLE’ mode provides full eight-note playing capability.
* 64 DIFFERENT PROGRAMS offer a wide range of excellent sounds.
* STEREO CHORUS provides smooth, warm ambience.
* Built-in POLYPHONIC SEQUENCER stores and performs up to 256 notes. It can be started, stopped, and remotely clocked using standard MIDI signals.
* MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DIGITAL INTERFACE (MIDI) bus sends and receives key data (pitches and gates), pitch bends, program changes, and full sequencer control.
* MIDI allows a Poly-800 to be linked with a second Poly-800 or another MIDI keyboard for rich layering effects.
* A MIDI compatible home computer (or similar equipment) connected to a Poly-800 can provide extended polyphonic sequencing, music transcription, and many other functions, with suitable software.
* DIGITAL ACCESS CONTROL provides precise push button control over every program parameter, for creating and editing programs.
* A large 6 digit LED Display offers complete data readout.
* Full editing capabilities allow memorized sound programs to be easily, temporarily or permanently.
* PROGRAM UP jack lets you change programs in sequence without taking your hands off the keyboard.
* The Digital Access system provides accurate sound recall, excellent, and a minimum of front panel ‘clutter’.
* New ‘BANK HOLD’ function allows quick single-button access to programs or parameters within the same bank.
* CHORD MEMORY lets you play parallel harmonies using only 1 key, and also provides monophonic bass and solo articulation. HOLD mode provides sustained ‘hands-off’ sound. POLY mode provides normal four and eight voice playing.
* 14 SECOND TAPE INTERFACE allows many sets of PROGRAMS and SEQUENCER data to be rapidly saved or loaded from cassette. The large, prompting alphanumeric display gives complete information about tape operations. Operation is so fast that all 64 programs can be changed live between songs.
* NOISE GENERATOR adds ‘breath noise’ for more realistic instrument sound and can be used for many kinds of special effects.
* Lightweight (10lb. ) battery/AC operated package can be worn on stage (using built-in strap pegs), or moved and played ANYWHERE.
*The Poly-800 and a good quality ‘wireless’ transmitter allows you total on-stage mobility … a first for a programmable polyphonic synthesizer!
Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Collection welcome. I intend to only ship this to the UK, but if you have any enquiries about shipping, just get in touch.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Synthesisers and Sound Modules
Location: Sheffield