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If you buy after clicking affiliate links on this site we might receive a commission from companies such as eBay, Amazon etc This does not affect the price you pay.
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100w EL34 amp, designed for PA. This is transitional between Supergroup and Klipp era, klipp era panel colours, but Supergroup knobs. Partridge transformers, all recapped and sorted for gigging standard. Clean headroom if used for guitar, can run effects into separate channels with own eq, lots of tinkering scope with that concept.
Bunches of inside pics and analysis of various amps will be in my blog here: http://ampstack.wordpress.com/ check out the rest, and my band, Warrior Pope, who have a new album out on bandcamp: https://warriorpope.bandcamp.com/album/anchorite.
Obviously this is a heavy lump, but I can have it couriered, would massively prefer collection though. I can also do international shipping, but if you want international shipping, please get in touch with plenty of time so I can sort an estimate, but ideally, arranging your own courier would be best, I’m happy to wrap it and meet them for collection, seems it works out cheaper that way, and if it gets trashed on the way, you have the contract and the evidence.
Overseas bidders check in advance about postage. If you find it last minute and bid, that’s cool, but message and and give me time to check postage before paying, so I can actually find out and invoice correctly.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Vintage Pro Audio Equipment
Location: Bristol, Avon