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PAW MOGAMI 2893NEGLEX Quad High-Definition TT Studio Patch Cable (Black) – 6 in. Welcome and thanks for viewing ourlisting. Pro Audio Wiring’s line of custom TT Studio Patch Cables are designed& uniquely manufactured to meet the high-end demands & capabilitiesneeded for critical TT applications. Featuring MOGAMI’s legendary w2893 NEGLEX QuadHigh-Definition cable known world-wide for it’s amazing clarity, unmatched accuracy,and extremely low noise. We know that you will see and hearthe difference between our cables when compared to our competitors, so much sothat we guarantee your satisfaction. If you are not happy with our TT cable, wewill take the cable back. This is one of the best sounding TT cables on themarket, custom handmade manufacturing in the USA by our highly experiencedengineers, and with highly competitive pricing. Listing Details:* (1) MOGAMI 2893 NEGLEX QuadHigh-Definition TT Studio Patch Cable.
* Length – 6 in. (0.15 m).
* Cable – MOGAMI w2893 NEGLEX Quad High-Definition Cable.* Cable Color – Black.
* Heat Shrink Color – Black.
* TT Plugs – Pro Audio Wiring (TT3P-NNNN).* Plugs Finish – Nickel.
* Custom Assembly – Pro Audio Wiring.
* Prefer a custom length or need a different type of plug or connector? We custom manufacture everycable per order. Don’t see what you are looking for in our eBay listings – send us your requirements and we will send you a quote. MOGAMI Cable:Why do so manydiscriminating artists and studios choose Mogami over other cable brands? It’ssimple. Mogami is unmatched for accuracy, extremely low noise, ease ofinstallation, flexibility, and superior quality. Professionals and enthusiastsalike rave about the amazing clarity and silent background ofMogami?technicians swear by it, not at it. Mogami has always had a relentlessdevotion to quality, integrity and ethical business practices. Every foot ofMogami cable is made in Nagano, Japan under the direct supervision of thecompany founder who continues to work every day. Comprised of true craftsmen,Mogami refuses to compromise quality for cost savings, and never copies thework of others.MOGAMIw2893 NEGLEX Quad High-Definition Balanced Cable:
NEGLEX w2893 has become populararound the world as the standard for high quality digital and analog recording.Mogami Quad High-Definition cable provides an improvement in signal to noise of10-20db over equivalent twisted pair cables. Double conductor quad cables aremore effective in canceling noise that can get past even the best of shieldsand is critical in an environment of high RF and EM interference.* Conductorinsulation is XLPE (Cross-Linked Polyethylene) which has excellent electricalcharacteristics and prevents shrink-back during soldering.
* Served (spiral) Bare Copper Shield is superiorto foil or braided shields for sound quality and simplifies termination.
About Pro Audio Wiring:
Pro Audio Wiring is a custom audio wiring shop. We could not list everything we are capable of designing and manufacturing. If you need something that you do not see listed on our website, chances are we can manufacture exactly what you need for wiring project. Although we are a smaller company, we have over 25 years of experience, and because of our size we can manufacture custom orders for exactly what you need. If your wiring project needs something special, we can provide an affordable solution – guarenteed. Send us an email with your requirements, and we will be happy to send you a quote and details regarding your request.
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Category: Musical Instruments and Gear:Pro Audio Equipment:Cables, Snakes and Interconnects
Location: Allen Park, Michigan