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Extremely hi grade converter, for surround sound or studio use….a 2 channel unit from the same company ( broklyn)goes for about 2000 dollars at present, the 8 channels here for 850 pounds is a snap. These units are hard to come by this side of the water.Has only been used in home studio non smoking.Would prefer local collection.The MYTEK 8X96 series consists of two 2U units- the 8X96 ADC and the 8X96 DAC.They provide very high performance 24 bit 96 kHz conversion comparable to the mostexpensive mastering converters ( DR=120 dB, audiophile signal path). These units can beused as stand-alone devices for variety of studio applications such as 5.1 DVD mastering,multitrack recording and whenever high quality conversion is required.Users choose Mytek 8X96 converters primarily for their outstanding sound quality. Thesound of Mytek converters can be described as transparent. We design our convertersto be as faithful to the signal as possible, rather than the philosophy of some othermanufacturers who offer analog or tube sounding converters. Mytek converters areclosest to a straight wire, which is especially evident when used at full 24/96 resolution-our tests have shown that 90% of listeners cannot hear the converters impact on thesound at all.On Mytek website you can find and download various sound samples to evaluate the8X96 sound quality and compare it to the sound of other high end converter units.Log onto: http://www.mytekdigital.com/8x96compare.htm to download samples.Thanks to the wide choice of daughter interface cards (MDM), 8X96 Series becomes an 8channel digital swiss knife which allows the user to leverage converter performance tomost studio setups and situations. Mytek is the first converter company that offerspractical interfaces to record 24/96 format on Tascam DA78HR , for example. The unitsperform extremely well in a high end environment of Sonic Solutions HDSP TM or Sadie2496TM or workstations but can be equally beneficial for an ADAT owner who can nowmake use of 24 bit 96 kHz technology to dramatically improve ADAT sound. Even whenused in 16 bit mode, the 8X96 converters produce 20dB (10 times) less distortion thanstandard ADAT converters.The 8X96 features include:- 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz internal sampling frequencies (ADC)- Ext. wordclock or AES11 25-100kHz sync- 120dB Dynamic Range- 24 bit resolution- High performance SuperShaper-HRTM psychoacoustic noiseshaping algorithm for 16or 20 bit output (ADC)- ADA T<>AES/EBU<>TDIF<>Sonic<>Protools digital format conversion- Prism MRXTM bit splitting and S/MUXTM sample splitting for ultimate flexibility inencoding hi-resolution sound on standard 16 and 20 bit equipment.The combination of great sound and interfacing capabilities make the 8X96 Series anideal choice as a high quality front end for any piece of digital studio equipment.for current literature, manuals and online email support check http://www.mytekdigital.com
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Other Pro Audio Equipment
Location: Southville