OPTOTHING3-ALPHA: Eurorack optocoupler VCA/filter/low-pass gate (4HP)

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OPTOTHING3-ALPHA: Eurorack optocoupler VCA/filter/low-pass gate (4HP)

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BE AWARE! This is a deliberately lo-fi module – if you want crystal clear sound reproduction, fidelity or whatever then you won’t find it here. The module relies on the properties of a photo-transistor to generally dirty up any signal coming passing through it; think of it as kind-of like a low-pass gate with built in distortion and a few other properties too.

In the beginning there was the OptoThing – it was an interesting piece of kit in that it sometimes behaved a bit like a VCA, or maybe a filter, or maybe somewhere in between. It was a classic example (I think) of how something with a relatively low parts count could do weird and wacky things to your sound.

Things have moved on a bit since then – the OptoThing hasn’t been available for a while and I figured that it was about time for a revamp, so here it is. Not a lot has changed, really, except that the new version of the module packs two optocoupler gates into a 4HP module – double your opto, double your thing. Operation is the same – give it a CV, and input and an output and twiddle the pot until you get a response that you like.

The two CV inputs are normalled together, so any CV presented to the top half of the module will also appear in the bottom half _unless_ there’s something plugged into the lower CV jack.

Use it as a ‘ghetto’ VCA with an envelope-type waveform or use swept voltages to create bizarre, filter-like effects. Whilst the opportunities aren’t quite endless, there are still quite a few of ’em.

Panels are made from laser-cut and engraved, 3mm, opaque black perspex – also provided are suitable mounting screws (M3x10). There’s no power cable as this is a fully passive module – the module is finished with Alpha pots and Davies style knobs; the colours of the knobs will vary – if you want a particular colour then I shall endeavour

If you’d prefer to fab your own panels, you can get the design files here: https://bitbucket.org/yorkmodular/eurorack-panels/src/master/OptoThing3-panel/


You can hear it in action here: https://soundcloud.com/yorkmodular/optothing-ghetto-vca



IMPORTANT NOTE: These items are handmade – this means that some imperfections are inevitable; I endeavour to clean excess flux from boards but little bits and pieces may remain. If this bothers you, then don’t buy the module – simple.

All modules are tested prior to shipping.

All modules are provided with panels made from laser-cut and engraved 3mm perspex and are provided with an appropriate number of M3x10 machine screws for mounting purposes. Any modules which require power are supplied with a Eurorack power cable – passive modules aren’t (obviously)

This combination works for 99% of cases – if you’re one of the outliers (eg. you use M2.5 or 4-40 screws) then you should be prepared to supply your own mounting hardware.

I get that some people don’t dig the perspex panels, so if you’d prefer to fabricate your own, let me know at checkout time and I can supply design files in DXF (AutoCAD) and/or FPD (Front Panel Designer) formats.



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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Synthesisers and Sound Modules
Location: York