QSC Unveils AD-S6 AcousticDesign Series Loudspeaker

Costa Mesa, CA (April 29, 2019)—QSC has introduced its new AD-S6 loudspeaker, intended for foreground and background music applications. The transformer-less surface-mount 6.5-inch two-way loudspeaker is also aimed at installations that require higher SPL foreground sound reinforcement. Recording Industry Golf & Poker Tournament Returns in June Part of QSC’s AcousticDesign Series loudspeaker line, the company plans to offer it as part of its Premium Business Music solutions. Travis Nie, Product Manager, Installed Loudspeakers, QSC, noted, “We are excited to expand our popular AcousticDesign Series with a loudspeaker that is nearly identical to AD-S6T, but with the AD-S6, we lowered the cost by removing the transformer and providing 16 ohm nominal impedance, making it ideal for use in low impedance distributed systems.”

Click here for the full article: https://www.prosoundnetwork.com/gear-and-technology/qsc-unveils-ad-s6-acousticdesign-series-loudspeaker