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If you buy after clicking affiliate links on this site we might receive a commission from companies such as eBay, Amazon etc This does not affect the price you pay.
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Here are a pair of 7586 Nuvistor tubes. Great for AKG C 12A C 28 and NEUMANN U 63 64 Microphones.
This is a blast for the past, and sure to please.
All American. All good.
These test NOS.
Box for display only.
On my tester a B&K 747 tester: Below 55 = BAD 55-66 = ? 65 -100= Good 100-120+ = NOS
I want to see you happy with your purchase. I will never sell a tube that is below standard I have sold many tubes here on Ebay, and all my customers have been completely satisfied. I will work with you in good faith if there are any problems, or if you are unsatisfied in any way.I want your business now and in the future, so I assume you are the boss, and I am the employee.All tubes are tested for shorts, continuity, and emissions.I prefer PayPal.
ALL CUSTOMERS PLEASEREAD ALL NOTES BEFORE BUYING FROM ME !!1. RETURNS: It is my highest desire that you arecompletely satisfied with your purchase from me. I will bend over backwards tomake sure that you are a happy customer.If anything you buy from me is less than satisfactory,message me BEFORE you either open a case or hit the item not as describedbutton.Sound quality is tremendously SUBJECTIVE. For tubes returned for “noise” or “sound quality of any kind” you pay for the shipping we refund the purchase. We refund the price of the item NOT THE SHIPPING COST. If we sent the wrong tube we will of course pay for return shipping. For any tubes that are DOA we require that you send a us a picture of the shipping box to show us the damage. We test EVERY tube sent out and none should be DOA unless broken in shipping.2. PLEASE NOTE: Tube silkscreen(lettering on the tubes) is VERY fragile. It can be wiped off and destroyedVERY easily. If you wipe off the silkscreen while handling the tube youdiminish their value by up to 70%. DO NOT handle the tubes or hold them fromthe cylinder. ALWAYS hold them from the ENDS. If you are returning tubes andthey are not in the same condition cosmetically I cannot give you a fullrefund. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.3. UNLESS YOU MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH US BEFORE YOUPURCHASE, YOU MUST PAY FOR ITEMS PURCHASED WITHIN 2 DAYS OR A CASE WILL BEOPENED FOR AN UNPAID ITEM!!!4. TESTING: I test all tubes that I sell in one way or another, or I will state “untested”. I have a B&K 747 tube tester. This is a mutual conductance tester. It give a percentage value of gm for the tube under test and checks for shorts and grid emissions. I also use a Tektronix curve tracer for testing triodes. I give a number of evaluations for tubes. One evaluation is a screen shot of the tube with a high voltage applied to the plate. This helps the buyer see the linearity of the tube in question at the highest voltage the tube will see in a real circuit. The Curve tracer steps the triode through 10 gate/grid voltages starting with -10 volts and going to 0 volts. The lines show how the tube conducts throughout that range. At 0 volt the tube is at max conduction and is the top line on the display. It is easy at that point to take where that top line intersects the plate voltage, find the milliamp level and compare it to the datasheet. I give those numbers for you in the “Item condition box”. To further help the buyer I also include the “Design values”, for gm and ma readings in the table. This can then be compared to other tube sellers using inferior test methods such as Hickok, Amplitrex, and other testers. The Tektronix curve tracer gives values within 3% of the actual value. The very best portable testers only can approach 10% accuracy.5. Pleasenote: The numbers given for gm are what I see on my tester. I DO NOT guaranteethat you will see those numbers on your tester. I only guarantee that thesetubes will test good, with no shorts, or gas, on a decent calibrated tester. Idon’t guarantee or imply anything else.6.VERY IMPORTANT!!! Vintage tube testers almost always,due to age, have VERY LOW HEATER VOLTAGES!!! Every tester I have ever bought is below 6 volts when selecting 6.3 volts.They average 5.8 volts. The voltage NEEDS to be 6.3 and 12.6. You can calibratea vintage tube tester all you want. If the heater voltage is not right, youwill NEVER get the right gm value. I have customers complain that their tubesare not the same as what I see on my tester. They say they have a calibratedtube tester. I have 40 tube testers. On all of them I have an outside regulatedDC power supply that feeds the tube tester the correct heater voltage.7. I don’t check each and every tube for noise or tone. This is SUBJECTIVE and it is too time consuming. If you don’t like the noise level or the tone we offer a hassle free refund policy.
Internationalcustomers note:1. Please wait forus to invoice you for the correct amount. If you have purchased more than oneitem, we must calculate how much the shipping will be. Shipping will be HIGHER due to insurance and shipping methods needed for expensive item totals. If you are buying only one item this will not be an issue. 2. Under nocircumstances will we state on a US customs a declared value of less than thesale price. This is an honesty issue. We are honest with everyone to the bestof our ability to do so. We want you to trust that what we say is true. Therecannot be that trust, if we make false statements knowingly to anyone. If yourcountry has tariffs/taxes so high that they cause large numbers of normallyhonest folks to make false statements, we urge you to work for change of thoselaws.3 International buyers if you bought more than one item andwant combined shipping it will ship in 2 days.4. And all the Angels sang because the heavenly music wasplaying and it was turned all the way up.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Microphones
Location: Tonopah, Arizona