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Sennheiser MD421 Vintage 1960s Microphone, many signs of age, including faded and stained case, dent in mesh grill, small (3mm long) crack in body adjacent to grill.
I bought this about 38 years ago from an acquaintance, a documentary film maker, who was closing his business. He’d used it as a voice over microphone. His name was Martin Benson and he was also an actor. He’d had a part in Goldfinger and many other films. I believe he had acquired the Sennheiser second hand.
I have used it rarely for the past 25 years and it’s stayed in a drawer.
It has a Tuchel connector but I’m supplying a Tuchel to XLR adapter. The high pass wheel control works well although it is a bit stiff.
I auctioned this a few weeks ago and it was won (for 162) by someone 10 miles south of Moscow who (surprise) didn’t pay. I offered it to the next bidder for 155 but didn’t hear back from them. So UK purchasers only unless you contact me first and somehow persuade me to accept your bid.
I will not accept returns because it is too easy for an engineer to swap out the internals and return to me a defunct mic. I’ve provided a link to a video with an audio track that has no processing. Yesterday’s recording of the guitar is a bit boomy on low end but that was poor mic placing, the vocal and speech recording illustrates the broadcast quality of the mic. I’ve no idea how it works on a guitar cab or for drums. The mic is very robust and will be very well packed.
The postage offer is for non premium UK addresses.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Microphones
Location: High Wycombe