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The Stereo Vitalizer Jack represents the entry
version of the Vitalizer Program EQ line from SPL.
It is used primarily to shape the sound of indi-
vidual instruments and optimise mixes utilizing
established psychoacoustic principles of human
hearing. Its outstanding sound characteristic sand
extremely efficient method of operation makes it
an indispensable tool in the fields of recording,
mixing, mastering, digital signal processing and
sound amplification, where it is the reference for
sound optimising.
The SPL Vitalizer technology
The Vitalizer un-covers sounds by means of
a slight time shift of the signals as a function of
their loudness. Soft sound components that were
masked by louder ones are thus emphasized the
smallest details become clearly audible and create
a life-like atmosphere, since the differentiated
reproduction produces a more natural sounding
result. Furthermore the entire sound is ideally
adjusted for our hearing capabilities. The sound
material is perceived as being more transparent
and the sense of loudness is increased while
avoiding listener fatigue.
Note: The Stereo Vitalizer Jack is not an Exciter!
In processing the sound all the information is
taken from the original signal. No distortions are
generated as is the case with generator-type excit-
ers. This means the resulting drawback of these
devices, namely the tendency towards sharpness
and with it listener fatigue, has been eliminated
from the Stereo Vitalizer Jack.
The StereoVitalizer Jack is equipped with un-
balanced jack connectors.
The SPL Vitalizer in practice
Voluminous bass sounds you can feel not only
make the DJs life better the Stereo Vitalizer Jack
also allows dance/techno sound amplification to
produce enormous volume without compromising
the final audio quality. In mixing you can clearly
position different bass sounds with ease. Exces-
sively hard or sharp sounds in the mid-range are
easy to manage. Intelligibility and accurate detail
are significantly increased and the improved pres-
ence brings voices to the fore. The brilliant, silky
highs round out the overall sound perfectly.
Recording: Console EQ enhancing, subgroup insert
Mixing: Fine polishing the final mix
Mastering: Remaking or preparing (especially
archival recordings)
Digital signal processing: Lifelike analog sound
with less digital edge
Sound reinforcement: Clearly greater volume
perception, allowing less of a load on the final
stage and significantly greater sound volume at
the same volume level
Copying tapes: Perfect compensation of hi- and
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Signal Processors and Effects
Location: Nottingham