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Kawai ACR-20 (Digital. Accompaniment. Center).
16 track sequencer (50,000 notes on operating memory + 160,000 notes on disk). Synth module (226 timbre + 9 drum sets). General MIDI full compatibble, standard midi file (0/1) support and recording, track mute, reverb, 150 style arranger (16 styles self-programmable), style loading from floppy disk. Support standard 1, 44 Mb USB Floppy emulator(emulator not included). Microphone, guitar, linear stereo inputs, tuner + microphone. Original protective film on screen, perfect floppy device.Comes with the original power converter and floppy disk with factory settings.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Synthesisers and Sound Modules
Location: Engure county