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Advertised by the makers as ideal for easy home-recording of keyboard, guitar,vocals, podcasts and other audio purposes, it comes complete with originalpackaging, USB lead, instructions, Cubase AI audio software disk,etc. My daughter could not wrap her head around it, so it is invirtually as new condition.CompleteComputer-based recording bundle for Mac or PC, with streamlinedaudio interface, mixer functionality, direct connection for electricguitars, basses, hi-fi, microphones etc, mic preamp for high qualityrecording, Steinberg Cubase AI audio software for ‘easy musiccreation’.
If you buy after clicking affiliate links on this site we might receive a commission from companies such as eBay, Amazon etc This does not affect the price you pay.
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Category: Musical Instruments:Pro Audio Equipment:Audio/MIDI Interfaces
Location: Maidstone